Why you should join a Zoni Summer Camp

It's the time of year when we say ‘goodbye’ to the Winter and cold weather and welcome the Spring! As the days get longer and the trees get their new leaves it is time to plan ahead and check out our summer camps. Zoni Manhattan (NYC) or Zoni Miami Beach can offer you an exciting summer program on request. Both campuses provide incredible summer experiences, and we are already expecting groups from Europe to enjoy their tailor-made summer camps! Why not join us for your very own summer adventure?

Five reasons to join a Zoni Summer Camp

  1. Get to know one of the most exciting cities in the United States!
    It doesn’t matter whether you chose to study in Manhattan or Miami Beach, you will experience life in an incredible American city! Manhattan is one of the most famous cities in the world and offers a huge range of activities and big-city-life experiences. On the other hand, Miami Beach offers you the perfect blend of beach lifestyle and modern city feel. Either way, your summer camp is guaranteed to be unforgettable!

  2. Learn English in an immersive environment!
    Learning online or in your home country is a great way to conveniently learn English. However, actually going to the country allows you to make the biggest improvement in the shortest amount of time! In addition to classes and activities, you will be able to practice your English all the time!

  3. You will make friends from all over the world!
    Zoni Language Centers welcomes students from all over the world year-round! When you join a summer camp, you will not only meet other international ‘campers’ but you will also get to know other Zoni students around campus.

  4. Gain confidence and independence!
    Going abroad is a big deal! It will help you find your voice and do things you never imagined! You will gain confidence in many different ways: in speaking English, in looking after yourself, and in making decisions. These important skills will stay with you and continue to impact your life even after you have gone home!

  5. Your CV/Resume will look more impressive!
    Having something impressive or different on your CV can really make the difference when you are looking for a job. Many people will say that they studied English, but how many can say they studied abroad?


Which Summer Program is right for me?

Zoni offers two types of summer camp: Juniors and Adults. Zoni Language Centers has many years of experience working with international education institutions and/or agents to organize custom group programs. This means that students are able to maximize their travel abroad experience, including entertainment and an academic program that focuses on their specific goals.

Here is some more information to help you decide which course is right for you and/or your students.

Summer Camps for Juniors

Zoni can offer tailor-made Summer Camps for juniors aged between 12 and 18. These camps help them to improve their English, make new friends, and learn about the world around them. As our Juniors come from all over the world, they not only learn about American culture but also about the lives of their international classmates.

As well as English classes taught by our experienced TESOL certified teachers, our junior camps also include activities such as visiting museums, playing sports and sightseeing. In Miami there is the added benefit of many beautiful beaches nearby and summer activities such as beach volleyball and swimming.

Summer Camps for Adults

Our summer camps for adults are very similar to our junior camps in structure and are also taught by experienced TESOL certified teachers. Summer camps for adults also include English lessons and a variety of social, cultural, and sporting activities. Contact Zoni to learn what we can offer your group.

We are very excited to welcome students to our campuses for our Junior and Summer Camps, as well as individual students to our regular English courses! We are extremely happy that in addition to learning English with us, our students will be able to experience many cultural, social, and sporting activities in the New York Metropolitan Area and Miami Beach after a long period of pandemic restrictions. At present, students are able to enjoy a full range of activities and experiences in both New York and Miami. In New York, masks must be worn in public transport, however further restrictions have now ended.

Fall Leaves

If you have any questions or inquiries about our Summer or Junior Camps or about studying at Zoni in general, please email us at info@zoni.edu. We are looking forward to welcoming you to our school.

535 8th Ave, New York, NY 10018