Zoni September Blog – DC Trip

Have you ever been to Washington DC? We have! On 25th August, 440 Zoni students traveled to our nation’s capital for a day of history, culture, and lots of English! This wasn’t the first time Zoni has

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Zoni September Blog – DC Trip

Have you ever been to Washington DC? We have! On 25th August, 440 Zoni students traveled to our nation’s capital for a day of history, culture, and lots of English! This wasn’t the first time Zoni has taken a field trip to DC. It is such an important location in the history of the United States that we take students there annually.

Washington DC is not far from New York taking roughly four and a half hours by bus. Although we set off early, the bus ride is always fun. It is a great opportunity for students from different classes and campuses to get to know each other and break the ice.

Once there, students had an exciting day including a tour, lunch and visits to various monuments and sites.

The first activity was a tour of the Supreme Court, Capitol Building, National Library, The White House, Washington Monument, and the Museum of American History. Each of these places holds a very important part in both history and recent events. Of course, for most students the White House (https://www.whitehouse.gov/) was a highlight of the guided tour. Probably one of the most famous buildings in the world, not just because it is home to the President, but also because it has featured in popular TV dramas like the West Wing, House of Cards, and movies like Independence Day.

The next stop was the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial

Unlike many of the other memorials in DC, the MLK Memorial is quite new. It was opened in 2011 and is located on the National Mall and Memorial Parks. Martin Luther King is only the fourth non-President to be memorialized on the National Mall, emphasizing his importance in U.S. history.

Directly after lunch students headed to the Smithsonian Museum (

The world’s largest museum, educational and research complex. The Smithsonian holds thousands of artifacts, from ancient Egypt to the original Kermit the Frog puppet and Dorothy’s ruby slippers! Students enjoyed exploring the many collections on display.

Vietnam Veterans Memorial

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial located to the side of the National Mall honors members of the U.S. armed forces who served in the Vietnam War and did not return. The memorial is made up of two black granite walls engraved with the names of military personnel who died (or remain missing). In addition to the granite walls, a statue called ‘The Three Soldiers’ and the Women's Memorial also form part of the Vietnam Memorial site.

Students also loved visiting the Washington Monument

The monument had been closed for repairs, modernization and then due to Covid for much of the last ten years. Students were very lucky to find it open and operating as usual this year.

The last stop on the Washington DC field trip was to one of the most recognizable statues on the National Mall, the Lincoln Memorial

(https://www.nps.gov/linc/index.htm/index.htm). The statue of Lincoln is housed in a building based on the Athenian Parthenon and built from limestone and marble brought in from Colorado and Indiana. President Lincoln is a pivotal figure in American history. He led the country through civil war and ensured the freedom of at least 4 million enslaved people. In 2022 the Lincoln memorial celebrates 100 years since its inauguration.

At the end of a long, action-packed day, the students returned to New Jersey and New York. Everyone had a fantastic time and were buzzing about their experiences. Anali, a student at Zoni Manhattan said “The trip to Washington D.C. was a lot of fun! I visited the emblematic places with my classmates and teachers. I enjoyed visiting the museums such as the Smithsonian Museum and the Museum of American History, and also the White House. The organization was very good. I look forward to another school excursion!”

At Zoni we believe that students learn best when they are happy and supported – both inside and outside the classroom. For . this reason, we have developed a fantastic activity program, offering students a wide range of activities including on-campus like holiday celebrations, cultural days and so on, and off-campus activities such as field trips, boat cruises, sports etc. If you would like to learn more about our previous activities, please check out (and follow) Zoni’s Facebook and Instagram accounts.

To learn more about Zoni’s courses visit our website at www.zoni.edu. We have regular start dates meaning you don’t have to wait long to become part of the Zoni community. If you have any questions or would like to talk to us before making your decision, contact us here or by phone: +1 (212) 736-9000. It is our pleasure to welcome you to our school!

Zoni Language Centers is part of Cambridge global testing centers for all applicants wanting to study at reputable universities in the United Kingdom (UK).

Julio Nieto

Vice President for Marketing and Admissions

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