International Students' Day

Back in 2019 there were over 6 million international students studying around the world. Although the pandemic caused this number to decrease, international students are still a very important part of

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International Students' Day

Back in 2019 there were over 6 million international students studying around the world. Although the pandemic caused this number to decrease, international students are still a very important part of our global society.

An international student is defined by UNESCO as “a person that has left their country of origin and moved to another country with the singular objective of studying”. In the United States it is described as “non-immigrant visitors who come to the US temporarily to take classes”. Most international students return to their home country at the end of their study; however, many international students find jobs and transition to work visas and finally residency.

How did International Students' Day Start?

International Students’ Day is celebrated on November 17 each year. The origins of this day go back to the beginning of World War 2, and to a tragedy that occurred in Prague (in modern day Czech Republic). In 1939 thousands of students protested against the German occupation of the city at the University of Prague. Nazi forces arrested and executed nine protesters without trial and sent over 1,200 students to concentration camps. Many died in the camps. The Nazis also closed all higher education institutions in the region (former Czechoslovakia).

International Students' Day was founded in 1941 by Czechoslovakian former-student soldiers based in England and Wales. Together with other foreign students, they established the day to both commemorate the tragedy of 1939 and to support access to education for all students around the world.

What is it like to be an international student in the U.S.?

This is a tricky question to answer because a lot of this depends on you! Being an international student in the United States is a fantastic and often life-changing experience! You will learn much about yourself, gain independence and learn a lot about American culture and way of life!

For many students, going to the US might be the first time they have lived away from their families. In the US international students have many options for accommodation, from staying with a host family, to staying in a student residence to renting an apartment. Living arrangements are often one of the biggest changes for students when moving to the US.

For many students, going to the US might be the first time they have lived away from their families. In the US international students have many options for accommodation, from staying with a host family, to staying in a student residence to renting an apartment. Living arrangements are often one of the biggest changes for students when moving to the US.

When you arrive in the United States you may experience some culture shock. This is normal and usually passes as you settle in. Making friends and taking advantage of activities at school will help you to minimize culture shock. You can read about many of the fun activities at Zoni in our past blogs, found here [ ]

Why Learning English is Important

Even though international students study many things, learning English is one of the most popular choices worldwide. The reason for this is that English is one of the keys to being successful in today's world. The language of international business is English. The language of the internet is English. Everywhere you go, English is ever present. In fact, it is difficult to navigate our lives as global citizens without it.

How Zoni can Help

Since 1991 Zoni has welcomed and taught English to over a million international students. Over time we have developed our very own English teaching system. Pulling together the most useful parts of accepted methodologies, teaching trends and adding a little Zoni-magic, our curriculum has proven to be highly successful. Our students learn English in the shortest amount of time from passionate, qualified, and experienced teachers. Our classes combine hard work with fun and most importantly real-life application. With Zoni you learn the English that really matters!

Since 1991 Zoni has welcomed and taught English to over a million international students. Over time we have developed our very own English teaching system. Pulling together the most useful parts of accepted methodologies, teaching trends and adding a little Zoni-magic, our curriculum has proven to be highly successful. Our students learn English in the shortest amount of time from passionate, qualified, and experienced teachers. Our classes combine hard work with fun and most importantly real-life application. With Zoni you learn the English that really matters!

Because of the diversity in our student body, we employ multilingual staff. Although students come to Zoni to learn English, we understand that sometimes students and their families need support in their native languages. We speak Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, French and many more.

Because of the diversity in our student body, we employ multilingual staff. Although students come to Zoni to learn English, we understand that sometimes students and their families need support in their native languages. We speak Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, French and many more.

One of our students, Karolyne Batista from Brazil, told us what she thinks about studying at Zoni. “I have only been at Zoni for less than one month, but it has been really great. My favorite part is how well I am treated by everyone. The people who work here are kind and helpful.”

We also believe that learning is not just in the classroom. We offer students many opportunities each year to participate in cultural activities, social activities, and field trips to places like Niagara Falls, Washington DC and more. Keep an eye out for what comes next!

In fact, our student services and dedication to our students was recently recognized at the Go Global International Business Awards, where we won “Service Innovator of the Year 2022”. We are very proud to have won this award in a field of many schools and universities around the world.

Being an international student is exciting, but it also comes with challenges. However, you can be sure that when you study at Zoni, that we will do everything in our power to make sure you have the best possible experience.

If you would like more information, visit our website at or for a personal consultation contact us via email at or call us on +1 (212) 736-9000.

Julio Nieto

Vice President for Marketing and Admissions

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