Tips for getting into your dream American college

Applying to an American college or university is a dream for many students. A college degree can change your life and picking the right one is crucial to your future success. However, getting into you

 · 5 min read

Applying to an American college or university is a dream for many students. A college degree can change your life and picking the right one is crucial to your future success. However, getting into your chosen school can be tricky so we have put together some information and a few tips to help you create an amazing application and increase your chances of being admitted!

Generally speaking, the college application process usually begins in the Fall semester (if you are a domestic student, this would be in the Fall of your senior year), however this can be different for specific programs.

The first step in selecting a college is preparation:

  • Research and explore different colleges to find ones that fit with your academic and personal interests. Consider factors such as location, campus culture, academic programs, extracurricular activities, and student support services.
  • If you are a Zoni student, you can speak to us about our College and University Application Services (more on that soon). We will help you look at options and walk you through the application criteria
  • Create a list of your favorite schools based on your academic profile and goals.
  • If needed, study for and take standardized tests like the SATs.

Application deadlines

One thing you must be aware of is “Early Application”. Some colleges offer early application options, such as Early Decision (ED) or Early Action (EA). This means you can apply and find out if you have gotten in earlier than the regular admission. Many people will apply early to their ‘first pick’ college. If they are not successful they still have time to improve their application and apply again under ‘regular decision’ or to apply to their back up colleges as well. Early Decision applications are typically due in November, and students receive an admission decision by December. Early Action deadlines are usually in November or December, and students receive an admission decision by January or February. One important thing to know is that if you apply early and get in, you are committed to attending that particular college. That is why people typically apply to their first choice school only.

You do not have to apply early. You can also apply for Regular Decision. This is when you apply within the regular timeframe. This is a good option if you need more time or want to apply to a course that has less competition. Regular Decision deadlines are typically in January or February, depending on the college. Admission decisions for regular decision applicants are typically released in March or April.

Once you receive your admission decisions from colleges, carefully review your options.

Compare financial aid packages, sports facilities, clubs and teams, fraternities and sororities and any other aspect that is important to you. If you haven’t already, try to visit the campuses of your potential schools to get a feel for where you might be happiest! Usually, you will need to pay your enrollment deposit before May 01.

Our five top tips for creating a great college application

  • Start Early and Stay Organized
  • Begin the application process early to give yourself plenty of time to complete all the necessary parts. It is a good idea to create a timeline or checklist to help you. Include all the application deadlines for each college you are interested in and their application requirements.

  • Talk to Zoni!
  • Our free University and College Placement Service guides Zoni students through the selection, preparation and application processes for English language-based higher education programs in the United States. It’s our pleasure to offer you advice and help you select the best fit college for you.

  • Be Authentic
  • Be genuine and showcase your true self throughout your application. Highlight your passions, interests, and experiences. Use personal anecdotes and specific examples to illustrate your points and make your application memorable.

  • Tailor Your Application to Each College
  • Customize your application for each college! Research the college thoroughly and mention specific programs, courses, professors, or campus resources that fit with your academic and career goals.

  • Be Mindful of Presentation and Proofreading
  • Pay attention to presentation details, such as formatting, grammar, and spelling. Proofread your application materials thoroughly to ensure they are error-free.

Writing an amazing personal statement

When you watch American tv shows, you often hear about the dreaded “personal statement” required as part of college applications. A personal statement (sometimes called a college essay) is your chance to stand out and talk about something meaningful. It is an opportunity to showcase your unique qualities, experiences, and aspirations. Spend time brainstorming, drafting, and revising your essay to make sure it reflects your authentic voice and leaves a memorable impression on admissions officers. Often people will use this essay to highlight their strengths, talk about their passions, and explain how an incident inspired them or led to personal growth. It’s also a good idea to talk about any challenges or setbacks you have faced and how you overcame them. Generally speaking, a personal statement is typically around 500 to 650 words in length. This is not a lot of words, so avoid writing filler content - choose your words carefully and double check to make sure you have made your points well.

As we mentioned before, proofreading and presentation are extremely important. Get your friend, family member or someone from Zoni to read over your text and help you to get it just right!

Zoni’s University and College Placement Service

Some years ago now, we realized that a large number of our students were very interested in attending an American university or college. However, accessing the right information and putting together a proper American-style application was really challenging, especially for international students. To help them with their applications and increase their chances of being accepted, we established the Zoni University and College Placement Service.

Zoni students have the absolute freedom to choose any institution they like to apply to. We do not favor any institution over another and base our service solely on your needs.

Getting a degree is very important to many students, especially in today’s competitive job market. A degree from an American university or college can really help you to stand out.

If you would like to know more about Zoni courses and also find out our favorite spots for picnicking, you can visit our website or call us at +1 (212) 736 9000. We’d be very happy to help you!

Julio Nieto

Vice President for Marketing and Admissions

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