Field Trip: Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls is an incredible place! Did you know that it isn’t just one waterfall? In fact, there are three waterfalls: Horseshoe Falls in Canada and the American Falls and Bridal Veil Falls in the

 · 5 min read

Niagara Falls is an incredible place! Did you know that it isn’t just one waterfall? In fact, there are three waterfalls: Horseshoe Falls in Canada and the American Falls and Bridal Veil Falls in the United States. Together they are known as the ‘Niagara Falls’. Horseshoe Falls sits on the border between the two countries, making it one of the most beautiful international crossings in the world! Altogether, 3 160 tons of water flows over Niagara Falls every second.

At the beginning of Summer, (June 30 – Jul 01) students from New York and New Jersey campuses visited Niagara Falls as part of Zoni’s activity program. In total 280 students alongside their friends and families enjoyed a weekend of sightseeing, fun and lots of English practice!

The aim of this trip was to give students an unforgettable experience that also encouraged them to make new friends, learn about American culture, and put their English into practice.

Students traveled by bus to Niagara Falls, New York. Although the journey was quite long, they enjoyed seeing parts of New York State that are very different to the busy cityscape of Manhattan. The bus ride was also a great icebreaker, and students were already able to get to know people from other classes and campuses on the way.

Exploring Niagara Falls
After arriving and checking into the Radisson Hotel, the students started their Niagara Falls adventure! They visited the Niagara Falls State Park, the oldest state park in the United States, established in 1885. The park was designed by Frederick Law Olmsted who also designed Manhattan’s Central Park.

The students then joined the Maid of the Mist boat trip, venturing under the falls! The Maid of the Mist has taken visitors to see the falls since 1846. The first Maid of the Mist boat was a steam powered ferry. These days, the boats are environmentally friendly electric boats.

As they arrived at the boat, the students were given a blue Maid of the Mist rain cover. As the boat got closer to the falls the students were covered by the mist and sprayed with the water crashing down from the top. This was all part of the fun, and everyone enjoyed getting drenched – especially on a warm summer’s day!

A tourist boat views the Niagara Falls from up close

" After enjoying amazing burgers at the Hard Rock Café, students were also able to view the ‘Night Lights’ show, in which the falls are lit up with brightly colored lights and projections.

A tourist boat views the Niagara Falls from up close

The Cave of Winds
The next day students explored the Cave of the Winds. The Cave of the Winds is not actually a cave. It was once a rock overhang that people could stand on and see the Falls from underneath. However, in the 1900’s the rock overhang came down, destroying what was left of the “cave”. Nowadays, the Cave of Winds is a series of walkways that take you to the top of Bridal Veil Falls. Because the walkways are made of wood and are constantly hit by water from the falls and have millions of people walking them, they are rebuilt every year to keep them sturdy and safe for visitors.

When you visit the Cave of the Winds you are guaranteed to get wet! The walkways bring you so close to the waterfall – you can literally reach out and touch it! You can also hear the loud roar of the water – something many students did not expect!

A tourist boat views the Niagara Falls from up close

Was the field trip fun?
All the students had a fantastic time. The falls made a huge impression on many of them. Joseph Donat, one of the accompanying instructors, said “Even though Niagara Falls isn’t classified as one of the wonders of the world, it definitely should receive an honorable mention. The majesty of the falls is captured as you ride The Maid of the Mist and experience the Cave of Winds and witness all of its breathtaking grandeur. If you joined us for this memorable outing, you know what I am talking about. If you didn’t, be sure to make it to the next trip!”

Students returned to Manhattan tired but content, excited to tell their friends and family all about their amazing experience!

Why field trips are an important part of learning
At Zoni we are committed to providing students with as many opportunities to practice their English and learn about American culture as possible. We are also proud of our school community and family atmosphere. When our students are happy and having a great time, they learn more! That is why we have created a fun activities program. In addition to regular small excursions, we offer field trips to locations of cultural and/or historical significance. On these trips, students not only learn about the United States, but they also practice their English with hotel staff, activity operators and people out there in the real world. These interactions help our students to gain confidence and apply the English they have learned.

In the past we have visited Washington DC, Philadelphia, and Pennsylvania, where students visited historically important sites and even an Amish settlement. Students have also had the opportunity to go Skiing – a first-time experience for many of the attendees.

Our next field trip is to Washington DC on August 25. On this trip students will visit the Supreme Court, the National Archives Museum, the White House, the Washington Monument, the Museum of American History, the Lincoln Memorial, and many more important sites. You can sign up on campus - get in early to not miss out!

Where can I get more information? If you would like to see more photos of our trip to Niagara Falls, you can visit our Facebook page or you can contact us anytime at

If you would like to study with us, please check out our website: for information about our courses and intakes. For further questions or for help with your enrollment, contact us at or call us on +1 (212) 736-9000.

Julio Nieto

Vice President for Marketing and Admissions

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