
Bagan Skala Prestasi

Skala Prestasi

A1 Survival English


Use basic vocabulary and grammatical structures to introduce and talk about oneself at a basic level in written and spoken language. Demonstrate understanding of the main idea of short simple texts and sentences.

Membaca & Menulis

Write simple sentences about familiar topics using general mechanics correctly in simple sentences. Read and respond to very short simple texts. Fill in forms with personal details such as name, nationality, gender, address, etc.

Mendengarkan berbicara

Ask and provide personal information; ask and answer questions about personal routines and share information. Recognize familiar words and phrases concerning oneself, family and immediate surroundings when people speak slowly and clearly. Interact in simple way at a slower rate of speech.

A1 3-Way Conversation


Interact with pair or group of students using simple tense present, past, future and progressive tenses. Use modals and write about a familiar subject. Understand the use of simple tenses in their daily routine.

Membaca & Menulis

Read and write about brief familiar subjects such as oneself and family. Write a short dialogue using time expressions and information words. Construct simple sentences and questions using information words

Mendengarkan berbicara

Contextualize modals and create a 3-way conversation. Practice conversation, dialogues using modals and simple tenses. Take notes while listening to dictation. Answer basic comprehension questions.

A1 Paths to Everyday Conversation


Understand and interact with pair or group of students using simple tenses such as past, future and past progressive tenses with the verb to be and adjectives.

Membaca & Menulis

Write a simple composition about their desires in the future tense. Read and understand basic texts.

Mendengarkan berbicara

Deliver a dialogue using all the grammatical structures learned such as progressive tenses for current events (while & when), and past events (used to, would like to). Listen to dictation and answer comprehension questions accurately.

A2 Intermediate Conversation


Develop and understand intermediate grammar structures such as present perfect, present perfect progressive and past perfect tenses.

Membaca & Menulis

Understand and write sentences and dialogues using comparatives, superlatives, and equality. Read a dialogue about life in a university contextualizing present perfect tense. Respond to comprehension questions about dialogues from the textbook.

Mendengarkan berbicara

Deliver a group dialogue using present perfect, simple present, past perfect, simple past and present perfect progressive tenses. Practice speaking with correct intonation.

A2 Grammar and Conversation


Develop a wider knowledge of vocabulary to express their experiences and opinions in both oral & written forms. Use concepts such as adjectives, adverbs, conditionals, infinitives and gerunds in sentences, dialogues and short paragraphs.

Membaca & Menulis

Write about someone’s profile, physical and personality traits, and life experiences in NYC using concepts learned. Read and understand simple information and scan simple texts to identify main ideas. Respond to comprehension questions.

Mendengarkan berbicara

Listen to a short story and agree or disagree with the answers to comprehension questions. (Listening for comprehension activity). Formulate and practice speaking the dialogue using the concepts/grammar structures learned.

A2 Speaking practice


Develop more confidence in using more complex grammar structures and expressions to express their opinions.

Membaca & Menulis

Write a simple story or a dialogue using 10-20 phrasal verbs. Write an article using reported and quoted speech. Read and explain the readings/dialogues from the textbook such as Gossiping, Cultural Faux Pas, Online Dating and Generation Gap. Identify the vocabulary words used and simplify/contextualize their definitions

Mendengarkan berbicara

Perform a role play using concepts and expressions learned such as phrasal verbs, quoted and direct speech. Talk about one’s likes and dislikes using adjective clauses. Practice saying tag questions with the correct intonation. Explain responses to the discussion questions and comprehension questions of the readings from the textbook.

B1 Real Situations


Develop appropriate conversation strategies in everyday situations and confidently participate in higher level discussions in group work and job interview with the use of concepts/grammar structures learned.

Membaca & Menulis

Write a list of communication strategies when stating ideas and starting statements. Analyze the meaning of idioms used in advertisements. Read, write and respond to letters (seeking advice) and write an advice letter using idioms and expressions.

Mendengarkan berbicara

Express students’ opinions freely using expressions of agreement or disagreement in structured and open discussion. Describe jobs and occupations. Perform a role play -a job interview using noun clauses with information questions.

B1 Introduction to Idioms


Acquire and develop a greater knowledge and understanding of American idioms to effectively communicate in all integrated skills (Reading, writing, speaking & listening.)

Membaca & Menulis

Comprehend the meaning and use of idiomatic expressions in sentences and dialogues. Produce /write dialogues and paragraphs using idioms learned, 20-40 idioms. Define and explain the meaning of idioms imbedded in sentences, readings and listening passages.

Mendengarkan berbicara

Demonstrate comprehension of idioms through dialogues and role plays in thematic settings such as food, transportation, addiction and technology.

B1 Introduction to Reading


Define and apply reading strategies such as pre-reading and post reading, taking notes of key concepts exercises, in depth reading, visualizing and making inferences. Gain wider vocabulary knowledge and comprehension through contextual clues and discussion.

Membaca & Menulis

Skim and scan details and identify main ideas in reading passages from the textbook. Contextualize vocabulary words learned as evidence in their writing samples (journal). Read and understand short stories and write the gist or summary of selected stories from the textbook.

Mendengarkan berbicara

Discuss and respond to pre-discussion and comprehension questions. Narrate personal stories and anecdotes related to some readings from the textbook.

B1 Introduction to Writing


Develop their ability to write paragraphs and essays using complex sentences, higher level of grammar structures and vocabulary.

Membaca & Menulis

Understand the different types of paragraphs and essays and their parts. Demonstrate coherence of ideas. Use writing techniques accurately. Understand texts consist of description of events, feelings, opinions and letters.

Mendengarkan berbicara

Describe experiences, dreams and ambitions. Participate in brainstorming ideas. Communicate topics that are familiar, of personal interest or everyday life (family, hobbies, work travel and current events). Understand main point of familiar topics of discussion (current events) of TV programs.

B1 Introduction to Speech


Develop and deliver different types of speeches using strategies in effective speech delivery both content and form. Develop confidence in delivering speeches before a small and big audience.

Membaca & Menulis

Compose a well-organized speech such as informative, demonstrative and persuasive speeches. Create appropriate audio-visual materials for PowerPoint presentations. Conduct research to support the content of speech presentations.

Mendengarkan berbicara

Deliver speeches following speech presentation techniques. Evaluate the delivery of speeches following guidelines in identifying student’s skills in delivering speeches and presentations. (Zoni textbook) (Peer correction)

B2 Listening Practice 1


Develop and exhibit refined listening skills and strategies to improve student’s listening and comprehension skills and speaking abilities. Make predictions.

Membaca & Menulis

Enhance notetaking skills Widen vocabulary knowledge to be applied contextually to any form of writing and speaking. Read and understand articles or reading passages with contemporary and relevant topics and arguments.

Mendengarkan berbicara

Participate in group discussions about relevant topics, (short & long listening texts). Explain clear and well-defined responses to reading and listening comprehension questions. Express ideas with appropriate proficiency and intonation.

B2 Written Structures I, II, III, IV (Grammar Structures)


Develop language skills using accurate grammar for speaking and writing. Establish a better understanding of structural rules of English grammar and its usage.

Membaca & Menulis

Write compositions and produce long dialogues and stories using more accurate grammar structures from simple tenses to more complex and advanced grammar structures.

Mendengarkan berbicara

Speak fluently and proficiently using correct grammar. Participate confidently in group discussions of varied topics and contextualize concepts/ grammar structures learned. Express student’s opinions and ideas using correct grammar and vocabulary.

B2 Cultural Awareness


Acquire a better understanding of American culture and how it differs to one’s culture.

Membaca & Menulis

Analyze cultural differences and compare & contrast using appropriate vocabulary words learned from the readings. Examine the effects of western cultures to students’ generation.

Mendengarkan berbicara

Identify and discuss cross cultural activities in the US. Do a presentation of American influences in one’s country.

B2 Reading II


Enhance comprehension skills through reading of American ways, customs, traditions and values. Improve reading strategies such as skimming and scanning. Widen vocabulary knowledge to express their ideas and opinions in both writing and speaking.

Membaca & Menulis

Write an essay focusing on their expectations in American education. Compare and contrast, American governance/ politics with their country’s government using vocabulary words in the readings. Synthesize assigned readings from the textbook.

Mendengarkan berbicara

Present their ideas and experiences about racial assimilation for group discussion. Discuss in groups, students’ aspirations, dreams and lifelong learning living in the US.

C1 Writing II (1&2)


Develop and write paragraphs following the body of a paragraph and essays with a hook, thesis statement, topic sentences, supporting details and conclusion (parts of an essay). Understand inferences based on vocabulary and abstract examples in the reading texts. Practice use of rhetorical strategies and techniques in writing.

Membaca & Menulis

Write complex subjects in a letter, a multi paragraph essay or a report using appropriate style of writing. Read and understand with ease different reading texts. Accumulate more advanced vocabulary words needed in writing paragraphs, essays, articles and reports.

Mendengarkan berbicara

Participate in brainstorming of ideas to be able to draft relevant essays. Understand TV programs and films effortlessly. Present/ discuss clear, detailed description of complex subjects.

C1 Listening II


Develop and master listening comprehension skills, widen vocabulary knowledge and apply reading skills and strategies.

Membaca & Menulis

Understand and write summaries of long reading texts and lectures. Listen and write the themes of short and long passages and provide the main idea and supporting details.

Mendengarkan berbicara

Discuss the gist and main ideas of long listening topics and passages from the textbooks. Understand with ease any kind of spoken language whether in group discussions, live or broadcast information.

C1 Critical Thinking


Develop analytical thinking skills through discussion and reading of controversial social issues. Increase knowledge of advanced vocabulary words and use them in context.

Membaca & Menulis

Read and understand texts on unfamiliar topics and write diverse texts using different methods to address different audiences. Write views and opinions about complex readings in preparation for discussions and debates. Take notes of relevant topics, concepts and arguments to refute debatable issues.

Mendengarkan berbicara

Understand abstract and complex topics. Recognize coherence and follow conversations and arguments on unfamiliar topics. Express arguments through debates. Infer meaning, opinion, attitude in conversations between fluent speakers. Speak confidently before different types of audiences.

C1 Writing III


Follow texts on unfamiliar topics and identify specific details. Write diverse texts using different writing methods to address different audiences and attain specific outcomes. Use advanced vocabulary and idiomatic expressions to support a point of view.

Membaca & Menulis

Read and understand relevant topics from simple research to expand knowledge and widen vocabulary. Identify inferred meaning in linguistically complex texts Identify examples that support a particular interpretation. Write essays using a combination of sources. Acquire the rudiments in gathering data, review of literature and write simple research.

Mendengarkan berbicara

Understand abstract and complex topics from readings, articles and essays. Recognize coherence and follow conversations, discussions and arguments on familiar topics. Express arguments through debates. Prepare and present brief research material for discussion purposes.

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